Space Rocks
Whenever we think about the space, we generally think of planets, stars and the Moon but there are rocks as well in space. Our solar system also consist of asteroid belt and surrounded by millions of comets. These space rocks give an insight about our early solar systems and thus are the important candidate to be studied. In this sessions, participants will understand about the space rocks, importance of studying them and their different types.
Smartphone Astrophotography
Now a days, we all are dependent on our smartphones for many purpose like navigation, internet surfing, photography etc. So, why can’t we use it for capturing the beautiful astrophotographs? Though DSLRs have an upper hand over smartphones but your smartphone can be your first camera to capture the cosmos. In this session, you will learn how to use your smartphone for astrophotography.

Cosmic Calendar
Our universe started to form 13.8 billion years ago and since then it has been continuously evolving. This session is an attempt to plot the major cosmological events happened till date in the timeline of 1 year calendar and learn about them through a fun filled activity.
Ancient Astronomers
From historical perspective, participants will focus on the astronomical works and worthy contributions made by earlier philosophers and astronomers from different cultures who have greatly added to the development of astronomy as we recognize it today. The list begins with some brief details on the work of four major Greek astronomers from antiquity, before moving on to exploring some other notable astronomers from other ancient cultures around the world.

Light is a messenger of universe but to decode that message we need to study and understand light. This can be easily done by Spectroscopy. In this session, participants will be introduced to spectroscopy and how it helps to study stars and other celestial bodies and how to detect elements present in them.
An Exoplanet or extra solar planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The discovery of exoplanets has intensified interest in the search for extraterrestrial life. There is special interest in planets that orbit in a star’s habitable zone In this session, participants will be introduced to exoplanets, their various features and participants will also learn various techniques to look for exoplanets

India’s ambitious mission Gaganyaan envisages undertaking the demonstration of human spaceflight to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in the short-term and will lay the foundation for a sustained Indian human space exploration program in the long run. In this session, participants will be introduced to mission Gaganyaan and what are the technological challenges ISRO will have to overcome to make the mission successful.
Space Telescope
Space telescope is a telescope in outer space used to observe astronomical objects. They avoid the filtering and distortion (scintillation) of electromagnetic radiation which they observe, and avoid light pollution which ground-based observatories encounter. Participants will be learning about various space based telescopes, their working spectrum and the findings.

Stellarium is a planetarium where it shows a realistic sky in 2D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. In this session, participants will be introduced to the basics and how to use Stellarium and use it for various celestial observations
What's up in the Sky and Sky Observation
Observing the wonders of night sky is such a rewarding experience and to have a deeper understanding of the universe. In this session, all the celestial updates of February will be discussed. Participants will learn about the celestial event updates, famous constellations to be seen, DSOs that can be observed. Participants will also get an update about what all happened in history in that month and recent news in the field.