One club for all astronomy enthusiasts
About iAstronomer Club
Stars, constellations, galaxies, nebulae, and planets have mesmerized the human race since time immortal. There is not a single soul on this infinitesimal small blue planet who has not felt the connection with heavenly bodies and pondered over his role in a larger scheme of events that started with the Big Bang. iAstronomer club is the largest global community of amateur Astronomers, where space and astronomy enthusiasts explore and unravel these mysteries together. It is a platform to learn new techniques and skills of astronomers, share ideas and passion, conduct experiments and record astronomical events, work on astrophotography projects, travel to study eclipses and collaborate to experience something out of this world every day.
Events for iAstronomers
Membership Benefits
- Members in 11+ Countries
- Globally Transferable Membership
- Globally Transferable Membership
- University Programs & Internships
- Profile Building For Admissions In Foreign Universities
- International Scientific Expeditions
- Yearly Meets & Conferences
- Enhancement of STEM & Scientific Skills